Sunday, April 17, 2011

A reminder

Since becoming a mother I have plowed through several parenting books, something I thought I would never do. I've always felt that parenting should just come naturally - its not like its rocket science, right? But parenting is a daunting task, a big commitment and a heavy responsibility, one which most definitely requires guidance of some sort. I haven't really found a book that has struck a chord with me, until I came across "Mitten strings for God: Reflections for mothers in a hurry" by Katrina Kenison. First off, let me say that this is in no way a religious book as the title suggests. Its simply a book about one mothers experiences with her children. Central to the book is slowing down and being present, something that really appeals to me as a mother and in general. Never do things get so crazy around here as when I expect to get a million things done while taking care of the kids at the same time. I can definitely see this being a book that I will read over and over again, because it serves as a reminder of the kind of everyday life that I want my kids growing up in, but sometimes loose sight of:
simple. present. engaging....and full of wonder and warmth.

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